How to Submit a Proposal
Send the following application materials, in the order listed, as a single Word document to, by noon on the deadline date.
- Application (view form) (download MSWord form)
- Narrative (description)
- Project Budget (description)
- Biosketches (description)
- Organization Information (description)
- Letters of Support (description)
Put the Project Leader’s last name and the proposal title in the subject line. Late submissions will be held for the next deadline. If you do not receive confirmation of your submission within four days, please contact
All documents submitted must use a type size no smaller than 12 point, Times Roman, single spaced, with 1 inch margins all around. Include the name of the Project Leader and the Project Title as a header on all pages.
Any supporting materials should be delivered in an envelope to Keith Moffat, Administration Bldg 501. Clearly indicate the Project Leader’s last name and the project title on the packet of additional materials.
Proposals will be reviewed and the fund administered by the Committee. If you have questions about the Fund or its operation, contact any member of the Committee at