Step 1: Application Form

Note: This form is for viewing purposes only. When submitting your application, please use the MSWord form. Download the MSWord form here.




Requested Start Date (M/D/YY):


Duration in Months:



(enter details on Budget Form)

Amount Requested from the Fund for Darfur:


Other Project Funding Received Total Amount:


Other Project Funding Pending Total Amount:


Total Estimated Project Cost:


Project Leader, other Key Personnel, and Sponsoring Organization

(The information given below should correspond exactly to the person’s/ organization’s listing in a University of Chicago Directory or Web site listing of RSO’s.)

The Project Leader certifies that he/she is a University of Chicago student, faculty, or staff, and agrees to take responsibility for the conduct of the project and submission of a final report.

Project Leader

First Name:


Last Name:

Email address:

Key Personnel

First Name:


Last Name:

Email address:

First Name:


Last Name:

Email address:

First Name:


Last Name:

Email address:

Sponsoring Organization (as listed in a University Directory):


Person Authorized to Commit the Sponsoring Organization in Financial Matters:

First Name


Last Name

Email address

Have you previously received support from the Fund for Darfur?

If yes, please complete the information below:

Project Title:


Year of Award:


Project Leader:


First Name:


Last Name:

Email address:

When form is complete, proceed to Step 2.

View a description of the Project Narrative.